

JIA Illustration Award
Japan Illustrators' Association
優秀賞 Excellent Prize
JIA Illustration Award Fine Work Prize
JIA Illustration Award Bronze Award 2019
Japan illustrator Association annual awardイラストレーター・オブ・ザ・イヤー
Excelent Illustrators
the best character design for licensing award of Hong Kong Licensing Awards 2017 Top5
the Top 20 Outstanding Cross Industry Matching Showcase  Designer Award
第二十屆香港動漫電玩節主辦 - 第九屆香港原創動漫人型設計比賽 季軍
第二十一屆香港動漫電玩節主辦 - 第十屆香港原創動漫人型設計比賽 亞軍
香港古蹟文化風俗研究推廣學會-市區更新基金主辦繪畫比賽-筲箕灣今昔印記 - 亞軍
愛的印記全港「拍 · 影 · 畫」慈善繪畫創作比賽   公開組組別季軍
Comic World Hong Kong 46 - Comic 優異獎
Exhibit (Kobe Japan, Malaysia, Taoyuan Taiwan )

Clayton Chau - 我們從事設計及制作多年,一直以來也接觸不同領域的藝術及設計工作。在長時間藝術及設計工作的歲月及人生歷練,都不斷思考生活和生命的意義,感受到家庭及朋友間和快樂生命的重要。近年值著原創人物-路路和海海,希望值著其故事及人物個性,帶出生活的快樂、快樂可以很簡單,也希望所創作的故事可以幫助有需要的人,令設計及藝術更有意義。修善自己,能懂得分享自己也感到快樂。

榮藝術工作室創辦人之一、香港插畫師協會會員、日本插畫師協會會員。全職插畫師並曾從事設計及藝術工作多年,曾參與電影和電視廣告佈景工作、舞台制作及各種商場裝飾設計和制作等。現在與Wing Lo共同創作lolohoihoi 故事、畫作和各類制作、是lolohoihoi的主筆、香港動畫及視覺特效學院savfx講師、主力營運lolohoihoi授權人物品牌,也承接各類插畫、展覽設計及商埸節日裝飾設計。lolohoihoi 是授權人物品牌, 歡迎各類商戶接洽。

Clayton - Co-founder of Wing Art Workshop. Mr Clayton Chau is now a full time illustrator and has been work in design and art industry for many years. He has participated in film and TV setting, theatre production and shopping mall decoration. He is co-operating with Wing Lo to create the story, illustration and other creative work for Lolohoihoi and lecturer of SAVFX (HK School of Animation and VFX).

lolohoihoi 是授權人物品牌, 歡迎各類商戶接洽。

Affordable art fair 2022 Hong Kong
Affordable art fair 2023 Hong Kong /  Busan / melbourne
Affordable art fair 2024 Hong Kong
Affordable art fair 2025 London
Shout Art Hub & Gallery art exhibition 2022 Harbour city
Shout Art Hub & Gallery Hysan place 2022 x samsung
Shout Art Hub & Gallery art exhibition 2023 Pacific Place
ELEMENTS ︳SHOUT Contemporary art exhibition 2024
Miraplace art exhibition 2024
Ubu Deco solo art exhibition  2022
Visual Arts Centre art exhibition  2024 Singapore
Art exhibition Chilwell School  Nottingham 2024
Wing Lo and Clayton Solo Art exhibition Manchester 2024
 Kapow Coffee Solo Art exhibition 2024 Leeds
香港動漫節 2017/ 2018/2019
boat-both of the art & toys exhibition
台北國際玩具創作大展Taipei Toy Festival
Toysoul 2016
Toysoul summer soul. 2018
東京 TokyoDesignFesta 2017
Partnership Fund For The Disadvantaged攜手扶弱基金-開心社區服務喜樂四格漫畫創作比賽評審
Artbat - HongKong 2019 Season 1 - 評審
lolohoihoi 忙忙忙•忘記了 Busy Forgotten Exhibition
粵港澳•畫時代——粵港澳區灣區插畫協會會員作品展 2018
Hong Kong International Licensing Show-2017/2018/2019
US Licensing Expo - Las Vegas
HKTDC - Gifts & Premium Fair
HKTDC - Houseware Fair
lolohoihoi x Cafedream on - Exhibition
原圈香港原創only -  at D2place
HKSI【將軍澳廣場】 現場人像速畫
Together We Build Mega Pallet Maze, at 中環夏誌 Central Harbourfront SummerFest. Icon Character Design
YMCA LifeMart
SerafinoZani International Limited illustration
lolohoihoi - PolyU speed 分享會
lolohoihoi at 香港路德會社會服務處 HKBOX
香港路德會社會服務處 HKBOX mini Exhibition
亞洲插畫協會x華納兄弟Warner Bros Charity event
香港插畫X創意設計品牌展台北/上海 及分享會
lolohoihoi at Design Gallery
lolohoihoi x 香港愛護動物協SPCA
lolohoihoi x 香港電台-齡活城巿計劃
lolohoihoi x 香港電台-十五分鐘的約會網頁
lolohoihoi x 海港青年商會
lolohoihoi x 香港悠揚文化藝術基金會
lolohoihoi x 九龍城區議會社區地圖
lolohoihoi x Shaheen Hockey Academy
lolohoihoi x 垃圾蟲印象創作展覽-小二小店
lolohoihoi x 粵港澳誇界快閃文博會
lolohoihoi x 海港青年商會《不離不棄》精神健康工作計劃
lolohoihoi x 竹林明堂護理安老院
lolohoihoi at 中華書局
lolohoihoi x Recruit
lolohoihoi x SNK
lolohoihoi x Vocational Training Council 資歷架構
lolohoihoi x Shun Hing Group 信興集團
lolohoihoi x 東華三院
lolohoihoi x 東華三院青年護理服務啟航計劃
lolohoihoi x 路德會
lolohoihoi x Run2gather 十二星座合作
lolohoihoi x Po Leung Kok 保良局
lolohoihoi x Hong Kong Red Cross
lolohoihoi x wacom
lolohoihoi x 仁愛堂
lolohoihoi x 社會福利署
lolohoihoi x 玩具收藏家販售展
lolohoihoi x 獅子山口罩
lolohoihoi x 仁濟
lolohoihoi x 利賓納Ribena
lolohoihoi @ Shout gallery
lolohoihoi @ ubudeco gallery
lolohoihoi x samsung x shout
lolohoihoi x DR. Kong
lolohoihoi x 生命熱線
lolohoihoi x Tai Hang Fire Dragon Heritage Centre 大坑火龍文化館
lolohoihoi x the Link 持續發展未來護照


榮藝術工作室由兩位擁有創作及藝術經驗的設計師創立,成立於2015年,Clayton.Chau 和Wing lo 共同設計了lolohoihoi 系列及Wing lo 的itchyhands系列。
WING ART WORKSHOP was established 2015 by 2 designers who have creative and arts experience. Clayton.Chau and Wing lo created lolohoihoi series and Itchyhands series by Wing Lo.


This is a story that would like to bring you message about love, sharing and reminiscing.
Everyone has peace and sharing in his heart, and hoping for sharing all happiness to everyone.
They have pure heats with sunshine and respectful. A positive attitude that can purify every single unhappy thing.
We want to give you a message that is simple to be happy. You don’t need to prejudice. Treating people sincerely and cherishing our beautiful world.

lolo 代表每一個開心和希望 。就好似帶住一些開心和期待,去到一個新地方,引領每一個希望回來。過得快樂就要保持良好心境,請感受身邊一直有的幸福事。

Aubergine Story - lolohoihoi 路路和海海

aubergine story ( lolo Hoihoi) 圍繞Lolo(路路)及Hoihoi(海海)的生活趣事而發展的故事。現在生活上每日也遇到很多苦事,希望Lolo她們的趣事令大家來一點輕鬆而重拾愉快的心情。而都市的生活在品德教養禮貌方面也有一些事被淡忘了,Lolo的故事也希望帶給大家一些信息和感受令大家回味。開心互愛的,就是Lolo 及Hoihoi.。 很喜歡間單開心生活,因為人很複雜;簡單難能可貴容易被人遺忘,間單令我更直接地感到快樂。

The story is about the daily life of two girls that everyone may encounter. In fact we have so many memories especially about our travelling experience. I’d like to draw it out at the lolohoihoi’s story, and let lolo share what life’s about. Lolo was born having an aubergine-like face, has a blessed, happy and tricky life. Hoihoi is a blessed mandarin with a kind heart.
Aubergine story (lolo / 路路, hoi hoi / 海海) is about their interesting life. We often face difficulties in our life and we hope they can make you recall about something happy in your life. Meanwhile, moral and courtesy education is fading out in metropolitan. The story of Lolo would like to bring you a message and feelings to your memories. Mutual love and happiness are Lolo and Hoihoi. They like the simple life because of the complicated humanity. Simple is precious but is easily forgotten. It directly makes me happy.

PS:榮藝術工作室除了有lolohoihoi之外,還有拍檔(winglo)的一個品牌 : itchyhands
PS: Other than Lolohoihoi by Wing Art Workshop, its partner Winglo also owns her brand ITCHYHAND. Check it out!

Lolohoihoi 的人物糸列在市面上是少有的, 而且造型上有特別的含義和原創性。。我們主指明確,人物系列各有特飾,每位角飾也有大家所關心的話題。而且授權項目可套用的地方是無限的,只要是理念正面的公司、品牌、基構也能和我們合作。

lolohoihoi  - We are looking for long-term parters for
icensees, channels operators and national distributors.
We  are lolo and hoihoi :) !

We are looking for licensees.
For illustration / AD inquiries,please contact: