湯米酋長 Tommychief Oil
Hand Drawing + Digital.
Tommy is a local illustrator, who studied interior design in Newcastle, is passionate about heritage buildings. He found the repetitive nature of interior work dull and started sketching last year. His first series of artwork inspired by landmarks in Newcastle and Hong Kong was made during 2023. Tommy applies dense line style and digital techniques to depict numerous iconic buildings in Hong Kong. He also adds various elements to the story telling i.e. historical stories, anime, games, movies, and memes in his works. And, he was the character with the round face in the artwork :)
湯米於英國紐卡素(Newcastle) 主修室內設計,熱衷於繪畫古舊的建築物,因對室內工程的重複性質感到沉悶而決定重拾畫筆,於2023 年開始創作一系列以紐卡素及香港地標為靈感的作品,擅長以密集線條風格及數碼方式繪畫出多座香港著名的建築物,也加入了不同年代的歷史故事,動漫遊戲,電影及Memes元素,分享有歷史價值的本地建築及獨立書店,讓大眾產生共鳴。另外,每張作品中那個圓形臉的傢伙是Tommy 本人 :)